49th International Symposium on

Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science

August 26 — 30, 2024, Bratislava, Slovakia

Sponsors and partners:





The MFCS conference series on Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science is a high-quality venue for original research in all branches of Theoretical Computer Science.

MFCS is among the conferences with the longest history in the field — the first conference in the series was held already in 1972. Traditionally, the conference moved between the Czech Republic, Slovakia, and Poland, while since 2013, the conference has traveled around Europe.

In 2024, at its 49th edition, MFCS will be held as a physical event in Bratislava, Slovakia.


The program committee encourages submission of original research papers in all areas of theoretical computer science, including (but not limited to) the following:

  • algebraic and co-algebraic methods in computer science
  • algorithms and data structures
  • automata and formal languages
  • bioinformatics
  • combinatorics on words, trees, and other structures
  • computational complexity (structural and model-related)
  • computational geometry
  • computer-aided verification
  • computer assisted reasoning
  • concurrency theory
  • cryptography and security
  • cyber physical systems, databases and knowledge-based systems
  • formal specifications and program development
  • foundations of computing
  • logics in computer science
  • mobile computing
  • models of computation
  • networks
  • parallel and distributed computing
  • quantum computing
  • semantics and verification of programs
  • theoretical issues in artificial intelligence and machine learning
  • types in computer science

On-site registration

On-site registration will be available during the following times at the conference venue:
  • Sunday August 25th, 18:00-21:00
  • Monday August 26th, from 8:00


Time Monday
August 26
August 27
August 28
August 29
August 30
09:00-10:00 Invited talk:
Wojciech Czerwiński
Invited talk:
David Peleg
Invited talk:
Kasper Green Larsen
Invited talk:
Rupak Majumdar
Invited talk:
Jarkko Kari
10:00-10:30 Coffee break Coffee break Coffee break Coffee break Coffee break
10:30-12:00 Session 1 Session 4 Session 7 Session 10 Session 13
12:00-14:00 Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch
14:00-15:30 Session 2 Session 5 Session 8 Session 11 Session 14
15:30-16:00 Coffee break Coffee break Coffee break Coffee break  
16:00-17:30 Session 3 Session 6 Session 9 Session 12  
Conference dinner

Invited talks

Monday, August 26, 9:00-10:00

Wojciech Czerwiński (University of Warsaw): Challenges of the Reachability Problem in Infinite-State Systems

Tuesday, August 27, 9:00-10:00

David Peleg (Weizmann Institute of Science) : On Key Parameters Affecting the Realizability of Degree Sequences

Wednesday, August 28, 9:00-10:00

Kasper Green Larsen (Aarhus University): From TCS to Learning Theory

Thursday, August 29, 9:00-10:00

Rupak Majumdar (Max Planck Institute for Software Systems): Fine-Grained Complexity of Program Analysis

Friday, August 30, 9:00-10:00

Jarkko Kari (University of Turku): On Low Complexity Colorings of Grids

Session 1

Monday, August 26, 10:30-12:00

Session 1A

Time Authors Title
10:30-11:00 Bartłomiej Bosek, Grzegorz Gutowski, Michał Lasoń and Jakub Przybyło First-Fit Coloring of Forests in Random Arrival Model
11:00-11:30 Laurent Beaudou, Pierre Bergé, Vsevolod Chernyshev, Antoine Dailly, Yan Gerard, Aurélie Lagoutte, Vincent Limouzy and Lucas Pastor The Canadian Traveller Problem on Outerplanar Graphs
11:30-12:00 Isolde Adler and Eva Fluck Monotonicity of the Cops and Robber Game for Bounded Depth Treewidth

Session 1B

Time Authors Title
10:30-11:00 Yahia Idriss Benalioua, Nathan Lhote and Pierre-Alain Reynier Minimizing Cost Register Automata over a Field
11:00-11:30 Guillermo Badia, Manfred Droste, Carles Noguera and Erik Paul Logical Characterizations of Weighted Complexity Classes
11:30-12:00 Andrew Ryzhikov and Petra Wolf Monoids of Upper Triangular Matrices over the Boolean Semiring

Session 2

Monday, August 26, 14:00-15:30

Session 2A

Time Authors Title
14:00-14:30 Tesshu Hanaka, Michael Lampis, Manolis Vasilakis and Kanae Yoshiwatari Parameterized Vertex Integrity Revisited
14:30-15:00 Susobhan Bandopadhyay, Aritra Banik, Diptapriyo Majumdar and Abhishek Sahu Tractability of Packing Vertex-Disjoint A-Paths Under Length Constraints
15:00-15:30 Mohammed Elaroussi, Lhouari Nourine and Simon Vilmin Half-Space Separation in Monophonic Convexity

Session 2B

Time Authors Title
14:00-14:30 Antonio Casares and Corto Mascle The Complexity of Simplifying ω-Automata Through the Alternating Cycle Decomposition
14:30-15:00 Dana Fisman, Emmanuel Goldberg and Oded Zimerman A Robust Measure on FDFAs Following Duo-Normalized Acceptance
15:00-15:30 David Lidell, Shaun Azzopardi and Nir Piterman A Direct Translation from LTL with past to Deterministic Rabin Automata

Session 3

Monday, August 26, 16:00-17:30

Session 3A

Time Authors Title
16:00-16:30 Matthias Bentert, Michael R. Fellows, Petr A. Golovach, Frances A. Rosamond and Saket Saurabh Breaking a Graph into Connected Components with Small Dominating Sets
16:30-17:00 Kristóf Bérczi, Tamás Király and Daniel Szabo Multiway Cuts with a Choice of Representatives
17:00-17:30 Hsiang-Hsuan Liu and Fu-Hong Liu Scheduling with Locality by Routing

Session 3B

Time Authors Title
16:00-16:30 Markus Lohrey and Julio Xochitemol Streaming in Graph Products
16:30-17:00 Sourav Chakraborty, Swarnalipa Datta, Pranjal Dutta, Arijit Ghosh and Swagato Sanyal On Fourier Analysis of Sparse Boolean Functions over Certain Abelian Groups
17:00-17:30 Daniele D'Angeli, Emanuele Rodaro and Jan Philipp Wächter The Freeness Problem for Automaton Semigroups

Session 4

Tuesday, August 27, 10:30-12:00

Session 4A

Time Authors Title
10:30-11:00 Amotz Bar-Noy, Toni Böhnlein, David Peleg, Yingli Ran and Dror Rawitz Sparse Graphic Degree Sequences Have Planar Realizations
11:00-11:30 Tian Bai and Mingyu Xiao Breaking the Barrier 2^k for Subset Feedback Vertex Set in Chordal Graphs
11:30-12:00 Zohair Raza Hassan The Complexity of (P₃, H)-Arrowing and Beyond

Session 4B

Time Authors Title
10:30-11:00 Vladimirs Andrejevs, Aleksandrs Belovs and Jevgēnijs Vihrovs Quantum Algorithms for Hopcroft’s Problem
11:00-11:30 Avantika Agarwal, Sevag Gharibian, Venkata Koppula and Dorian Rudolph Quantum Polynomial Hierarchies: Karp-Lipton, Error Reduction, and Lower Bounds
11:30-12:00 Niel de Beaudrap and Richard East Simple Qudit ZX and ZH Calculi, via Integrals

Session 5

Tuesday, August 27, 14:00-15:30

Session 5A

Time Authors Title
14:00-14:30 Arnaud Casteigts, Nils Morawietz and Petra Wolf Distance to Transitivity: New Parameters for Taming Reachability in Temporal Graphs
14:30-15:00 Dibyayan Chakraborty, Antoine Dailly, Florent Foucaud and Ralf Klasing Algorithms and Complexity for Path Covers of Temporal DAGs
15:00-15:30 Jessica Enright, Samuel Hand, Laura Larios-Jones and Kitty Meeks Structural Parameters for Dense Temporal Graphs

Session 5B

Time Authors Title
14:00-14:30 Karen Frilya Celine, Ziyuan Gao, Sanjay Jain, Ryan Lou, Frank Stephan and Guohua Wu Quasi-Isometric Reductions Between Infinite Strings
14:30-15:00 Jack H. Lutz and Andrei Migunov Algorithmic Dimensions via Learning Functions
15:00-15:30 Ulysse Léchine, Thomas Seiller and Jakob Grue Simonsen Agafonov’s Theorem for Probabilistic Selectors

Session 6

Tuesday, August 27, 16:00-17:30

Session 6A

Time Authors Title
16:00-16:30 Jakob Piribauer Demonic Variance and a Non-Determinism Score for Markov Decision Processes
16:30-17:00 Hunter Chase, James Freitag and Lev Reyzin Applications of Littlestone Dimension to Query Learning and to Compression
17:00-17:30 Yakov Shalunov Leakage-Resilient Hardness Equivalence to Logspace Derandomization

Session 6B

Time Authors Title
16:00-16:30 Petr Hliněný and Jan Jedelský ℋ-Clique-Width and a Hereditary Analogue of Product Structure
16:30-17:00 Daniel Kráľ, Kristýna Pekárková and Kenny Štorgel Twin-Width of Graphs on Surfaces
17:00-17:30 Dhanyamol Antony, Yixin Cao, Sagartanu Pal and R B Sandeep Switching Classes: Characterization and Computation

Session 7

Wednesday, August 28, 10:30-12:00

Session 7A

Time Authors Title
10:30-11:00 Noga Alon, Allan Grønlund, Søren Fuglede Jørgensen and Kasper Green Larsen Sublinear Time Shortest Path in Expander Graphs
11:00-11:30 Archit Chauhan, Samir Datta, Chetan Gupta and Vimal Raj Sharma The Even-Path Problem in Directed Single-Crossing-Minor-Free Graphs
11:30-12:00 Ivor van der Hoog, André Nusser, Eva Rotenberg and Frank Staals Fully-Adaptive Dynamic Connectivity of Square Intersection Graphs

Session 7B

Time Authors Title
10:30-11:00 Michał Makowski
On the Complexity of the Conditional Independence Implication Problem with Bounded Cardinalities
11:00-11:30 Benjamin Monmege, Julie Parreaux and Pierre-Alain Reynier Synthesis of Robust Optimal Real-Time Systems
11:30-12:00 David Dingel, Fabian Egidy and Christian Glasser An Oracle with no UP-Complete Sets, but NP = PSPACE

Session 8

Wednesday, August 28, 14:00-15:30

Session 8A

Time Authors Title
14:00-14:30 Melissa Antonelli, Arnaud Durand and Juha Kontinen A New Characterization of FAC⁰ via Discrete Ordinary Differential Equations
14:30-15:00 Marco Carmosino, Ronald Fagin, Neil Immerman, Phokion Kolaitis, Jonathan Lenchner and Rik Sengupta On the Number of Quantifiers Needed to Define Boolean Functions
15:00-15:30 Samir Datta, Asif Khan, Anish Mukherjee, Felix Tschirbs, Nils Vortmeier and Thomas Zeume Query Maintenance Under Batch Changes with Small-Depth Circuits

Session 8B

Time Authors Title
14:00-14:30 Jan Goedgebeur, Jorik Jooken, Karolina Okrasa, Paweł Rzążewski and Oliver Schaudt Minimal Obstructions to C₅-Coloring in Hereditary Graph Classes
14:30-15:00 Marta Piecyk C_{2k+1}-Coloring of Bounded-Diameter Graphs
15:00-15:30 Virginia Ardévol Martínez, Romeo Rizzi, Abdallah Saffidine, Florian Sikora and Stéphane Vialette Generalizing Roberts' Characterization of Unit Interval Graphs

Session 9

Wednesday, August 28, 16:00-17:30

Session 9A

Time Authors Title
16:00-16:30 Oscar Defrain, Louis Esperet, Aurélie Lagoutte, Pat Morin and Jean-Florent Raymond Local Certification of Geometric Graph Classes
16:30-17:00 Giovanni Viglietta and Giuseppe Antonio Di Luna Efficient Computation in Congested Anonymous Dynamic Networks
17:00-17:30 Presentation TheoretiCS

Session 9B

Time Authors Title
16:00-16:30 Emanuel Herrendorf, Christian Komusiewicz, Nils Morawietz and Frank Sommer On the Complexity of Community-Aware Network Sparsification
16:30-17:00 Zhen Zhang, Qilong Feng and Junyu Huang Faster Approximation Schemes for (Constrained) k-Means with Outliers
17:00-17:30 Presentation TheoretiCS

Session 10

Thursday, August 29, 10:30-12:00

Session 10A

Time Authors Title
10:30-11:00 Édouard Bonnet, Julien Duron, John Sylvester and Viktor Zamaraev Symmetric-Difference (Degeneracy) and Signed Tree Models
11:00-11:30 Zeno Bitter and Antoine Mottet Generalized Completion Problems with Forbidden Tournaments
11:30-12:00 Harmender Gahlawat, Jan Matyas Kristan and Tomas Valla Romeo and Juliet Is EXPTIME-Complete

Session 10B

Time Authors Title
10:30-11:00 Satyadev Nandakumar, Subin Pulari and Akhil S Point-To-Set Principle and Constructive Dimension Faithfulness
11:00-11:30 Rupert Hölzl, Philip Janicki, Wolfgang Merkle and Frank Stephan Randomness Versus Superspeedability
11:30-12:00 Dariusz Kalociński, Luca San Mauro and Michał Wrocławski Punctual Presentability in Certain Classes of Algebraic Structures

Session 11

Thursday, August 29, 14:00-15:30

Session 11A

Time Authors Title
14:00-14:30 Gang Liu and Haitao Wang Unweighted Geometric Hitting Set for Line-Constrained Disks and Related Problems
14:30-15:00 Gang Liu and Haitao Wang On Line-Separable Weighted Unit-Disk Coverage and Related Problems
15:00-15:30 Nathan van Beusekom, Marc van Kreveld, Max van Mulken, Marcel Roeloffzen, Bettina Speckmann and Jules Wulms Capturing the Shape of a Point Set with a Line Segment

Session 11B

Time Authors Title
14:00-14:30 Jesse Beisegel, Ekkehard Köhler, Fabienne Ratajczak, Robert Scheffler and Martin Strehler Graph Search Trees and the Intermezzo Problem
14:30-15:00 Václav Blažej, Dušan Knop, Jan Pokorný and Šimon Schierreich Equitable Connected Partition and Structural Parameters Revisited: N-Fold Beats Lenstra
15:00-15:30 Dibyayan Chakraborty, Haiko Müller, Sebastian Ordyniak, Fahad Panolan and Mateusz Rychlicki Covering and Partitioning of Split, Chain and Cographs with Isometric Paths

Session 12

Thursday, August 29, 16:00-17:30

Session 12A

Time Authors Title
16:00-16:30 Tim Seppelt An Algorithmic Meta Theorem For Homomorphism Indistinguishability
16:30-17:00 Max Bannach, Florian Chudigiewitsch and Till Tantau On the Descriptive Complexity of Vertex Deletion Problems
17:00-17:30 Anuj Dawar and Ioannis Eleftheriadis Preservation Theorems on Sparse Classes Revisited

Session 12B

Time Authors Title
16:00-16:30 Julien Grange, Fabian Vehlken, Nils Vortmeier and Thomas Zeume Specification and Automatic Verification of Computational Reductions
16:30-17:00 Liye Guo, Kasper Hagens, Cynthia Kop and Deivid Vale Higher-Order Constrained Dependency Pairs for (Universal) Computability
17:00-17:30 Filippo Bonchi, Alessandro Di Giorgio and Davide Trotta When Lawvere Meets Peirce: An Equational Presentation of Boolean Hyperdoctrines

Session 13

Friday, August 30, 10:30-12:00

Session 13A

Time Authors Title
10:30-11:00 L. Sunil Chandran, Rishikesh Gajjala and Abraham Mathew Illickan Krenn-Gu Conjecture for Sparse Graphs
11:00-11:30 Syamantak Das, Nikhil Kumar and Daniel Vaz Nearly-Tight Bounds for Flow Sparsifiers in Quasi-Bipartite Graphs
11:30-12:00 Christian Ortlieb Toward Grünbaum’s Conjecture for 4-Connected Graphs

Session 13B

Time Authors Title
10:30-11:00 Arnold Beckmann and Georg Moser On Complexity of Confluence and Church-Rosser Proofs
11:00-11:30 Lisa Marie Jaser and Jacobo Toran Pebble Games and Algebraic Proof Systems
11:30-12:00 Olaf Beyersdorff, Tim Hoffmann, Kaspar Kasche and Luc Nicolas Spachmann Polynomial Calculus for Quantified Boolean Logic: Lower Bounds Through Circuits and Degree

Session 14

Friday, August 30, 14:00-15:00

Session 14A

Time Authors Title
14:00-14:30 Alexander Rubtsov and Nikita Chudinov Computational Model for Parsing Expression Grammars
14:30-15:00 Wiktor Zuba, Grigorios Loukides, Solon Pissis and Sharma V. Thankachan Approximate Suffix-Prefix Dictionary Queries

Session 14B

Time Authors Title
14:00-14:30 Yuto Nakashima, Dominik Köppl, Mitsuru Funakoshi, Shunsuke Inenaga and Hideo Bannai Edit and Alphabet-Ordering Sensitivity of Lex-Parse
14:30-15:00 Paola Bonizzoni, Clelia De Felice, Brian Riccardi, Rocco Zaccagnino and Rosalba Zizza
Unveiling the Connection Between the Lyndon Factorization and the Canonical Inverse Lyndon Factorization via a Border Property

Program Committee

  • Christel Baier (TU Dresden)
  • Petra Berenbrink (Universität Hamburg)
  • Christoph Berkholz (TU Ilmenau)
  • Michael Blondin (Université de Sherbrooke)
  • Mikolaj Bojanczyk (University of Warsaw)
  • Joan Boyar (University of Southern Denmark)
  • Brona Brejova (Comenius University in Bratislava)
  • Jean Cardinal (Université libre de Bruxelles)
  • Pavol Cerny (TU Wien)
  • Krishnendu Chatterjee (Institute of Science and Technology, Austria)
  • Ugo Dal Lago (University of Bologna)
  • Stefan Dobrev (Slovak Academy of Sciences)
  • Robert Elsässer (University of Salzburg)
  • Leah Epstein (University of Haifa)
  • Henning Fernau (Trier University)
  • Fedor Fomin (University of Bergen)
  • Pierre Fraigniaud (IRIF Université Paris Cité)
  • Jean Goubault-Larrecq (CNRS and ENS Paris-Saclay)
  • Kristoffer Arnsfelt Hansen (Aarhus University)
  • Lane Hemaspaandra (University of Rochester)
  • Petr Jancar (Palacky University Olomouc)
  • Christos Kapoutsis (Carnegie Mellon University in Qatar)
  • Stefan Kiefer (University of Oxford)
  • Ralf Klasing (CNRS, LaBRI, University of Bordeaux)
  • Naoki Kobayashi (University of Tokyo)
  • Barbara König (University of Duisburg-Essen)
  • Martin Koutecký (Charles University, Prague)
  • Rastislav Kralovic (Comenius University in Bratislava, chair)
  • Tony Kucera (Masaryk University Brno, chair)
  • Tobias Momke (University of Augsburg)
  • Madhavan Mukund (Chennai Mathematical Institute)
  • Daniel Paulusma (Durham University)
  • Giovanni Pighizzini (University of Milan)
  • Alexander Rabinovich (Tel Aviv University)
  • Peter Rossmanith (RWTH Aachen)
  • Christian Scheideler (Paderborn University)
  • Sebastian Siebertz (University of Bremen)
  • Martin Skoviera (Comenius University in Bratislava)
  • Bettina Speckmann (TU Eindhoven)
  • Paul Spirakis (University of Liverpool)
  • Daniel Stefankovic (University of Rochester)
  • Till Tantau (University of Lübeck)
  • Takeshi Tsukada (Chiba University)
  • Ugo Vaccaro (University of Salerno)
  • Igor Walukiewicz (LaBRI , Université de Bordeaux)

Invited Speakers


As in previous years, MFCS 2024 proceedings is published in LIPIcs (Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics) under an open access license: LIPIcs proceedings.

Selected articles will be invited to a special issue of Information and Computation

Important Dates

  • Submission Deadline: Friday, April 26, 2024 (Anywhere on Earth)
  • Notification: Monday, June 24, 2024
  • Camera-ready Deadline: Friday, June 28, 2024
  • Conference: August 26 — 30, 2024,

Accepted Papers

  • Tim Seppelt. An Algorithmic Meta Theorem for Homomorphism Indistinguishability
  • Noga Alon, Allan Grønlund, Søren Fuglede Jørgensen and Kasper Green Larsen. Sublinear Time Shortest Path in Expander Graphs
  • Václav Blažej, Dušan Knop, Jan Pokorný and Šimon Schierreich. Equitable Connected Partition and Structural Parameters Revisited: N-fold Beats Lenstra
  • Jan Goedgebeur, Jorik Jooken, Karolina Okrasa, Paweł Rzążewski and Oliver Schaudt. Minimal obstructions to $C_5$-coloring in hereditary graph classes
  • Lisa Marie Jaser and Jacobo Toran. Pebble Games and Algebraic Proof Systems
  • Jessica Enright, Samuel Hand, Laura Larios-Jones and Kitty Meeks. Structural Parameters for Dense Temporal Graphs
  • Laurent Beaudou, Pierre Bergé, Vsevolod Chernyshev, Antoine Dailly, Yan Gerard, Aurélie Lagoutte, Vincent Limouzy and Lucas Pastor. The Canadian Traveller Problem on outerplanar graphs
  • Daniele D'Angeli, Emanuele Rodaro and Jan Philipp Wächter. The Freeness Problem for Automaton Semigroups
  • Markus Lohrey and Julio Xochitemol. Streaming in graph products
  • Rupert Hölzl, Philip Janicki, Wolfgang Merkle and Frank Stephan. Randomness versus superspeedability
  • Max Bannach, Florian Chudigiewitsch and Till Tantau. On the Descriptive Complexity of Vertex Deletion Problems
  • Karen Frilya Celine, Ziyuan Gao, Sanjay Jain, Ryan Lou, Frank Stephan and Guohua Wu. Quasi-Isometric Reductions Between Infinite Strings
  • Arnold Beckmann and Georg Moser. On Complexity of Confluence and Church-Rosser Proofs
  • Bartłomiej Bosek, Grzegorz Gutowski, Michał Lasoń and Jakub Przybyło. First-Fit Coloring of Forests in Random Arrival Model
  • Gang Liu and Haitao Wang. Unweighted Geometric Hitting Set for Line-Constrained Disks and Related Problems
  • Petr Hlineny and Jan Jedelský. H-Clique-Width and a Hereditary Analogue of Product Structure
  • Guillermo Badia, Manfred Droste, Carles Noguera and Erik Paul. Logical Characterizations of Weighted Complexity Classes
  • Virginia Ardévol Martínez, Romeo Rizzi, Abdallah Saffidine, Florian Sikora and Stéphane Vialette. Generalizing Roberts' characterization of unit interval graphs
  • Zohair Raza Hassan. The Complexity of (P3, H)-Arrowing and Beyond
  • Filippo Bonchi, Alessandro Di Giorgio and Davide Trotta. When Lawvere meets Peirce: an equational presentation of boolean hyperdoctrines
  • Tesshu Hanaka, Michael Lampis, Manolis Vasilakis and Kanae Yoshiwatari. Parameterized Vertex Integrity Revisited
  • Giovanni Viglietta and Giuseppe Antonio Di Luna. Efficient Computation in Congested Anonymous Dynamic Networks
  • Zhen Zhang, Qilong Feng and Junyu Huang. Faster Approximation Schemes for (Constrained) k-Means with Outliers
  • Hunter Chase, James Freitag and Lev Reyzin. Applications of Littlestone dimension to query learning and to compression
  • Satyadev Nandakumar, Subin Pulari and Akhil S. Point-to-set Principle and Constructive Dimension Faithfulness
  • Dibyayan Chakraborty, Antoine Dailly, Florent Foucaud and Ralf Klasing. Algorithms and complexity for path covers of temporal DAGs: when is Dilworth dynamic?
  • Yahia Idriss Benalioua, Nathan Lhote and Pierre-Alain Reynier. Minimizing Cost Register Automata over a Field
  • Dibyayan Chakraborty, Haiko Müller, Sebastian Ordyniak, Fahad Panolan and Mateusz Rychlicki. Covering and Partitioning of Split, Chain and Cographs with Isometric Paths
  • Amotz Bar-Noy, Toni Böhnlein, David Peleg, Yingli Ran and Dror Rawitz. Sparse Graphic Degree Sequences Have Planar Realizations
  • Anuj Dawar and Ioannis Eleftheriadis. Preservation theorems on sparse classes revisited
  • Benjamin Monmege, Julie Parreaux and Pierre-Alain Reynier. Synthesis of Robust Optimal Real-Time Systems
  • Emanuel Herrendorf, Christian Komusiewicz, Nils Morawietz and Frank Sommer. On the Complexity of Community-aware Network Sparsification
  • Olaf Beyersdorff, Tim Hoffmann, Kaspar Kasche and Luc Nicolas Spachmann. Polynomial Calculus for Quantified Boolean Logic: Lower Bounds through Circuits and Degree
  • Christian Ortlieb. Toward Grünbaum's Conjecture for 4-Connected Graphs
  • Oscar Defrain, Louis Esperet, Aurélie Lagoutte, Pat Morin and Jean-Florent Raymond. Local certification of geometric graph classes
  • Vladimirs Andrejevs, Aleksandrs Belovs and Jevgēnijs Vihrovs. Quantum algorithms for Hopcroft's problem
  • Samir Datta, Asif Khan, Anish Mukherjee, Felix Tschirbs, Nils Vortmeier and Thomas Zeume. Query maintenance under batch changes with small-depth circuits
  • Marta Piecyk. $C_{2k+1}$-coloring of bounded-diameter graphs
  • Isolde Adler and Eva Fluck. Monotonicity of the cops and robber game for bounded depth treewidth
  • Julien Grange, Fabian Vehlken, Nils Vortmeier and Thomas Zeume. Specification and Automatic Verification of Computational Reductions
  • L. Sunil Chandran, Rishikesh Gajjala and Abraham Mathew Illickan. Krenn-Gu conjecture for sparse graphs
  • Arnaud Casteigts, Nils Morawietz and Petra Wolf. Distance to Transitivity: New Parameters for Taming Reachability in Temporal Graphs
  • David Lidell, Shaun Azzopardi and Nir Piterman. A Direct Translation from LTL with Past to Deterministic Rabin Automata
  • Wiktor Zuba, Grigorios Loukides, Solon Pissis and Sharma V. Thankachan. Approximate Suffix-Prefix Dictionary Queries
  • Jakob Piribauer. Demonic variance and a non-determinism score for Markov decision processes
  • Syamantak Das, Nikhil Kumar and Daniel Vaz. Nearly-Tight Bounds for Flow Sparsifiers in Quasi-Bipartite Graphs
  • Andrew Ryzhikov and Petra Wolf. Monoids of upper triangular matrices over the Boolean semiring
  • Mohammed Elaroussi, Lhouari Nourine and Simon Vilmin. Half-space separation in monophonic convexity
  • Yuto Nakashima, Dominik Köppl, Mitsuru Funakoshi, Shunsuke Inenaga and Hideo Bannai. Edit and Alphabet-Ordering Sensitivity of Lex-parse
  • Sourav Chakraborty, Swarnalipa Datta, Pranjal Dutta, Arijit Ghosh and Swagato Sanyal. On Fourier analysis of sparse Boolean functions over certain Abelian groups
  • Avantika Agarwal, Sevag Gharibian, Venkata Koppula and Dorian Rudolph. Quantum Polynomial Hierarchies: Karp-Lipton, Error Reduction and Lower Bounds
  • Jesse Beisegel, Ekkehard Köhler, Fabienne Ratajczak, Robert Scheffler and Martin Strehler. Graph Search Trees and the Intermezzo Problem
  • Ulysse Léchine, Thomas Seiller and Jakob Grue Simonsen. Agafonov’s theorem for probabilistic selectors
  • Édouard Bonnet, Julien Duron, John Sylvester and Viktor Zamaraev. Symmetric-Difference (Degeneracy) and Signed Tree Models
  • Hsiang-Hsuan Liu and Fu-Hong Liu. Scheduling with Locality by Routing
  • Ivor van der Hoog, André Nusser, Eva Rotenberg and Frank Staals. Fully-Adaptive Dynamic Connectivity of Square Intersection Graphs
  • Antonio Casares and Corto Mascle. The Complexity of Simplifying $\omega$-Automata through the Alternating Cycle Decomposition
  • Nathan van Beusekom, Marc van Kreveld, Max van Mulken, Marcel Roeloffzen, Bettina Speckmann and Jules Wulms. Capturing the Shape of a Point Set With a Line Segment
  • Paola Bonizzoni, Clelia De Felice, Brian Riccardi, Rocco Zaccagnino and Rosalba Zizza. Unveiling the connection between the Lyndon factorization and the canonical inverse Lyndon factorization via a border property
  • Archit Chauhan, Samir Datta, Chetan Gupta and Vimal Raj Sharma. The Even-Path Problem in Directed Single-Crossing-Minor-Free Graphs
  • Gang Liu and Haitao Wang. On Line-Separable Weighted Unit-Disk Coverage and Related Problems
  • Niel de Beaudrap and Richard East. Simple qudit ZX~and ZH~calculi, via integrals
  • Melissa Antonelli, Arnaud Durand and Juha Kontinen. A New Characterization of FAC^0 via Discrete Ordinary Differential Equations
  • David Dingel, Fabian Egidy and Christian Glasser. An Oracle with no UP-Complete Sets, but NP = PSPACE
  • Kristóf Bérczi, Tamás Király and Daniel Szabo. Multiway Cuts with a Choice of Representatives
  • Marco Carmosino, Ronald Fagin, Neil Immerman, Phokion Kolaitis, Jonathan Lenchner and Rik Sengupta. On the Number of Quantifiers Needed to Define Boolean Functions
  • Dariusz Kalociński, Luca San Mauro and Michał Wrocławski. Punctual presentability in certain classes of algebraic structures
  • Yakov Shalunov. Leakage-Resilient Hardness Equivalence to Logspace Derandomization
  • Jack H. Lutz and Andrei Migunov. Algorithmic Dimensions via Learning Functions
  • Dhanyamol Antony, Yixin Cao, Sagartanu Pal and R B Sandeep. Switching Classes: Characterization and Computation
  • Daniel Kráľ, Kristýna Pekárková and Kenny Štorgel. Twin-width of graphs on surfaces
  • Zeno Bitter and Antoine Mottet. Generalized Completion Problems with Forbidden Tournaments
  • Dana Fisman, Emmanuel Goldberg and Oded Zimerman. A Robust Measure on FDFAs Following1 Duo-Normalized Acceptance
  • Tian Bai and Mingyu Xiao. Breaking the Barrier 2^k for Subset Feedback Vertex Set in Chordal Graphs
  • Matthias Bentert, Michael R. Fellows, Petr A. Golovach, Frances A. Rosamond and Saket Saurabh. Breaking a Graph into Connected Components with Small Dominating Sets
  • Susobhan Bandopadhyay, Aritra Banik, Diptapriyo Majumdar and Abhishek Sahu. Tractability of Packing Vertex-Disjoint {\sf A}-Paths under Length Constraints
  • Michał Makowski. On the Complexity of the Conditional Independence Implication Problem With Bounded Cardinalities
  • Alexander Rubtsov and Nikita Chudinov. Computational Model for Parsing Expression Grammars
  • Harmender Gahlawat, Jan Matyas Kristan and Tomas Valla. Romeo and Juliet is EXPTIME-complete
  • Liye Guo, Kasper Hagens, Cynthia Kop and Deivid Vale. Higher-Order Constrained Dependency Pairs for (Universal) Computability


The registration fee includes, among others, attendance to the lectures, coffee breaks, lunches, and the conference dinner.

Students who at the time of the conference have not yet completed their PhD qualify for the student status of the registration.

Attendee Early (until July 25)       Late (from July 25)
Regular 655€ 755€
Regular (EATCS member) 610€ 710€
Student 555€ 655€
Student (EATCS member) 510€ 610€
Complete your registration online by filling out this form: MFCS 2024 registration.

You can become an EATCS member here and immediately benefit from the reduced registration fee. The membership fee is €40 for a year (two years for students).

Conference Venue

The conference will take place at the Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics of the Comenius University in Bratislava, Mlynská dolina, 842 48 Bratislava (location on Google Maps).

The venue is located within walking distance from the following public transport stops:

  • Botanická záhrada (trams 4 and 9, buses 29 and 32)
  • ZOO (buses 31 and 39)
See the interactive map below:

Conference Dinner

The conference dinner will take place in the Moyzes Hall, Vajanského nábrežie 12, Bratislava (location on Google Maps). It is located within a short walking distance from the public transport stop "Šafárikovo námestie" (trams 1,3,4 and buses 29,50,70).

The Moyzes hall can be reached from the conference venue directly by the tram 4 or bus 29 (from the stop "Botanická záhrada").


A limited number of rooms have been reserved for conference participants at the following two hotels. You can make use of the keyword MFCS to book a room. Please note that the reservation lasts only until July 15, 2024, so we strongly recommend booking before then:

  • Hotel SOREA Regia (close to the conference venue)
  • Hotel Devín (within walking distance from the Most SNP bus stop where buses from the Vienna airport arrive)

Other hotels near the tram lines to the conference venue:

Travel Information

Reaching Bratislava from Vienna Airport

The most common way to reach Bratislava is via the Vienna International Airport, from where there are frequent regional bus connections directly to the bus stop Most SNP in the centre of Bratislava (about 45 minutes). The bus connections can be found here.

Bratislava Airport

There are also several flights to and from Bratislava Airport operated mostly by low-cost carriers. Both the city centre and the conference location can be reached from the airport by taking a bus 61 and changing to a tram 4 or 9 at Trnavské mýto.

Reaching Bratislava by Train

Bratislava main train station is connected by international trains to Prague, Berlin, Warsaw, Budapest, etc. City centre can be reached from the main train station by tram 1 or by bus 93. There is also a direct bus 32 from the train station to the bus stop Botanická záhrada near the conference venue.


We recommend the following restaurants located near most hotels in the city center. This selection offers a variety of cuisines, from Slovakian specialties to international favorites. This list is not exhaustive, there are many other good dining options in Bratislava.

Places Worth Visiting


For any questions, please don't hesitate to contact us at mfcs2024@mfcs.sk.